The powers-that-be have decided and announced that Santa Anita's Oak Tree meet will host the 2008 Breeder's Cup races.
The two day session will be held on October 24 and 25 and will be the first time that a Breeder's Cup race will be run on a synthetic surface as Santa Anita's dirt track is scheduled to be converted into an artificial racing surface this summer.
Apparently, the company to do the installation has not yet been determined and there is no truth to the rumor that they are awaiting a recommendation from Lava Man's connections.
For my money, the Oak Tree meet at Santa Anita is the best place to hold the Breeder's Cup races as it is the most convenient for me. I may or may not attend though, because as my pop says, "win money during the week, lose it on the weekend".
Just for kicks, here's Lava Man in the '07 Big Cap. Props to partymanners on You Tube.